Empower Your Intimacy, Elevate Your Wellness

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Invest in your relationship with yourself

We all have a tendency to put others first, but the ultimate benefit in our treatements is found in your own wellness. Our sexual wellness offerings have been proven to boost self-confidence and personal well-being. Call us now to find out if we can be of service to you.

Improve experiences with your other

Everyone deserves the ability to enjoy their intimate moments, without worries or doubts of their performance quality. Call us now to find out if we can be of service to you.

Acoustic Wave Therapy | $650

Using high-frequency, low intensity sound waves to stimulate new blood vessel growth

6 Treatments | $3,000


12 Treatments | $5,000

PRP Injection | $950


Exosomes Injection | $2,750

P-Shot | $1,250

Promoting penile tissue growth and improving erection quality

O-Shot | $1,250

Relieving female urinary incontinence and improving female sexual performance

Dermal Fillers for Penile Enhancement | $12,500

Increasing penis girth and length

Get a consultation for free and see if we’re right for you.

Absolutely no commitment, pressure, or obligation.